
Online Dental CE

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The 3 Keys to Implant Success: Maintenance, Home-Care & Implantitis Treatment

Presenter: Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS Release Date: 11/1/16
Credits:  1 CEU   Reviewed: 2024     Expiration Date: 11/1/27
AGD Subject Code: 690
CE Supporter: Sunstar

As dental professionals need to address the implant maintenance challenge with researched-based protocols to be able to assess, identify, and know when to refer for peri-implantitis. Many of us are confused by conflicting messages. In this CE webinar, end the confusion with a comprehensive system for assessment, instrumentation, monitoring, and peri-implant disease treatment including cement residue implantitis.

At the conclusion of this CE webinar, attendees should be able to:
• Assess and monitor the health of dental implants with an evidence-based, five-step protocol.
• Provide safe implant maintenance, home-care recommendations, and peri-implantitis treatment including when to refer for cement residue implantitis.
• Gain key points on the ACP Clinical Practice Guidelines for Implant–Borne Restorations; single implant crowns to full fixed arch prosthesis for recall and maintenance.   ( disclaimer, bio and commercial disclosure )

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